Oportunidade de estudar no exterior!

Framed within the objectives of the COST ACTION KEYSOM (Soil Fauna – Key to Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Modelling), this training school aims at linking the role of the soil biodiversity with the soil organic matter dynamics. This school will provide a comprehensive overview of the tools available to assess the soil biodiversity (including macrofauna, mesofauna, microfauna and microorganisms), such as classical taxonomic approaches to novel soil DNA metabarcoding. The originality of this training school lies in the interdisciplinarity of its subjects, from molecular biology to soil science. Along with core lectures, this training school will have extended time periods reserved for practical classes, providing an in-depth introduction to the methods taught. Targeted mainly at PhD students and young post-doctoral fellows, this training school also aims at stimulating collaborative research among participants and with the guests lecturers.


Leaflet Keysom Training School – Zurich

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